von Thomas Fester | Okt. 13, 2016 | Biochemistry, Molecular Structures, News
RNA-molecules are very versatile and can form, apart from standard Watson-Crick base paired double helices, all other kinds of secondary structures. One particularly prominent feature are G-quadruplexes, where four guanosine moieties are reacting with each other in...
von Thomas Fester | Sep. 29, 2016 | Biochemistry, Molecular Structures, News
Biochemistry The animated gif shows a spliceosome after its first catalytic step (as described by Galej et al.) and has been adapted from an entry (5LJ5) in the Protein Data Bank. The RNA to be spliced is given in yellow colour, the RNA-part of the spliceosome in...
von Thomas Fester | Sep. 29, 2016 | Biochemistry, Molecular Structures, News
Spliceosomes are complex molecular machineries responsible for removing introns from precursor-RNAs during gene expression. Splicesosomes are assembled from RNA- and protein-molecules, with RNAs as the main catalytic components. Assembly and catalytic activity...
von Thomas Fester | Sep. 23, 2016 | Biochemistry, Molecular Medicine, Molecular Structures, News
Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are important in initiating contraction of muscle cells. A reduction of their activity decreases blood pressure by decreasing contraction of blood vessel smooth muscle cells. Similarly, arrhythmic contractions of the heart muscle are...
von Thomas Fester | Sep. 15, 2016 | Biochemistry, Molecular Structures, News
Biochemistry The animated gif shows a short trip across the inner space of the yeast Hsp 104 AAA+ protein disaggregase. Unlike other, ring-like AAA+ protein disaggregase, the hexameric Hsp104 forms a large helical structure. ATP-binding sites are lining the central...
von Thomas Fester | Sep. 15, 2016 | Biochemistry, Molecular Structures, News
Under cellular stress protein disaggregation becomes an important issue for living cells. Enzymes involved in this job therefore often have been found as heat shock proteins. The heat shock protein 104 from yeast is a good example for such enzymes. As many other, so...
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