von Thomas Fester | Aug. 24, 2016 | Ecology, News
Ecology Cartoon composed of three images; click the arrows for navigating Source: Gould et al., Ecology Letters 19, 1140 – 1149. Scivit News – Visual Science More illustrations from Scivit More videos from Scivit Have a video abstract based on this cartoon (300...
von Thomas Fester | Aug. 24, 2016 | Ecology, News
Ecology Cartoon composed of three images; click the arrows for navigating Source: Zhu et al., Nature Climate Change DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE3004 Scivit News – Visual Science More illustrations from Scivit More videos from Scivit Have a video abstract based on this...
von Thomas Fester | Aug. 24, 2016 | Ecology, News
Inverted food pyramids (more predator biomass than prey biomass) occur relatively frequently at least in pristine nature. In such cases predators have to cover their food needs from outside the local area. In most cases, therefore, predators have to engage in (costly)...
von Thomas Fester | Juli 16, 2016 | Ecology, News
Forests are important natural habitats with relevance for atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and for wood-production. How can measure forest well-being, the impact of climate change or of other human-caused disturbances? To answer this question, scientists from various...
von Thomas Fester | Juli 2, 2016 | Ecology, News
Sperm whale females have been known for staying local in the Atlantic Ocean and being more mobile in the Pacific Ocean. A new global study now demonstrates that this high migratory activity of sperm whale females is indeed unique to the Pacific. Possible reasons...
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